Privacy Policy

Fair Analytics

Use of Fair Analytics Purpose and legal basis The Fair Analytics tracking service is used on our website. Fair Analytics retrieves the IP address of the website visitor as well as information about the device and browser used (e.g. the user’s device type, the operating system used, the screen resolution of the device, and the user’s time zone). Furthermore, information about the use of the website is collected. Examples of this are web pages called up, length of stay on the website, the scroll position, mouse movements and clicks of the user. On this basis, an anonymized profile of the use of the website is formed, whereby the IP address is not stored permanently. The use of Fair Analytics serves the purpose of collecting knowledge about the use of our website, in order to better tailor the offer on our website to the interests of the visitors and to improve the usability of the site. The legal basis for this processing is your consent, Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR. Note on the italic text: Please note that as the responsible party, you are responsible for ensuring that there is a valid legal basis for the data processing carried out using Fair Analytics. If you are based in the EU, this is likely to be the consent of the respective website visitor as a rule. You can obtain the consent of the website visitor using a consent management tool. Please check the relevant laws that apply to the specific data processing (e.g. in the areas of data protection and telemedia) before using Fair Analytics, and adjust the information accordingly if necessary.

Recipient of the data The recipient of the data is our order processor Fair Analytics, Kolb & Neuhauser GbR, with whom we have concluded a corresponding order processing agreement.

Storage duration Your data will only be processed in this context as long as the corresponding consent has been given.

Third country transfer The data collected by Fair Analytics is not transferred to a third country. Note: Please adjust this information accordingly if you yourself or, if applicable, your other service providers transfer the relevant data to a third country.

Provision prescribed or required The provision of your personal data is voluntary, based solely on your consent. Without existing consent, we will not use the tracking service Fair Analytics.

Revocation of consent You can revoke your consent to the use of Fair Analytics at any time with effect for the future. You can make this change in our Consent Tool. If you revoke your consent, we will immediately stop collecting data about the use of our website using Fair Analytics. Note: If necessary, please also adjust the place where the website visitor can withdraw consent.

Profiling With the help of the Fair Analytics tracking tool, the behavior of website visitors can be evaluated and interests analyzed in order to further improve our website and optimize it according to the actual interests of visitors. For this purpose, we create a pseudonymous user profile.

  1. Building block for the Consent Management Tool If you use a consent management tool to obtain users’ consent to tracking, you can integrate the following text section there. This website uses the Fair Analytics tracking tool, the purpose of which is to analyze website traffic. On this basis, we can further optimize our website. You can find more information about this in our privacy policy. In our Consent Tool, you can view your corresponding consent at any time and revoke it with just one click with effect for the future. We would be pleased if you would help us to further improve our offer for you by giving your consent to the processing of the data collected exclusively anonymously.

Disclaimer To make it even easier for you to use the Fair Analytics tracking tool, we are happy to provide you with the draft legal texts for your privacy policy and your consent management tool free of charge! Please note, however, that these are only drafts that you must finalize or adapt to your company. As a controller within the meaning of the GDPR, you are responsible for fulfilling information obligations towards data subjects. Fair Analytics as a processor can only support you in this regard. The sample texts only concern the use of Fair Analytics. Other information required by Art. 13 GDPR (e.g. information on your company or on data subjects’ rights) is likely to have already been provided in your privacy policy. Please adapt the texts provided to the specific processing situation in your company. Please understand that we do not assume any liability for the sample texts. Any warranty and liability for the legality and correctness of the content of the texts is hereby expressly excluded.